Zhengzhou Airport Continues to Lead Central China by Passenger and Cargo Traffic



“Double Champions ” Again! Zhengzhou Airport Continues to Lead Central China by Passenger and Cargo Traffic


The passenger traffic of Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport (hereafter referred to as Zhengzhou Airport) in 2018 reached 27.33 million, up 12.5 percent over the last year, ranking the first by growth rate among the top 22 large airports with an annual passenger traffic of over 20 million, according to Henan Airport Group, on January, 14th . Its net passenger traffic increased by more than 3 million, which lifted the airport from the 13th place to the 12th in China in 2018. Besides, the cargo traffic of Zhengzhou Airport reached 515 thousand tons, ranking the 7th in China.  Thus, the Zhengzhou Airport secured its first place in Central China by both passenger traffic and cargo traffic..



As for cargo traffic, Henan Airport Group, as the main force of the “Aerial Silk Road”, has taken a series of measures to facilitate the development of the “Aerial Silk Road” between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg. It has opened more routes and flights, taking Zhengzhou as the center to gradually expand the international air cargo network of “connecting three continents with one point and linking Europe and America with one line” to further improve its port function. By the end of 2018, 21 cargo airlines (6 domestic and 15 international airlines) have been operating at Zhengzhou Airport, and 34 air cargo routes (5 domestic and 29 international routes) have been opened.


客运方面,郑州机场持续加快基地建设,进一步扩大郑州机场客运规模,新引进5家客运航空公司,总数达55家,新开客运航线39条,总数208条(其中洲际4条,亚洲区域23条)。2018年5月,郑州机场联合5家机场、9家航空公司共同成立“豫—西北机场中转联盟”,巩固提升了中转优势。西部航空郑州分公司于2018年8月成立,郑州机场进入多基地公司运营的新阶段。(记者祝传鹏 编译赵汉青 审校刘红强 播音左蓝迪 海报胡瀚泽)

As for passenger traffic, Zhengzhou Airport sped up constructing bases to further expand its capacity. To date 5 new passenger airlines have been introduced, totaling 55; and 39 new passenger routes have been opened, totaling 208 (4 intercontinental and 23 Asian routes). In May 2018, Zhengzhou Airport, together with other 5 airports and 9 airlines, established the “Henan-Northwest Airport Transit Alliance”, which has enhanced its advantage in transit. The West Air Zhengzhou Branch was established in August 2018, which means that Zhengzhou Airport has entered a new stage of multi-base operation. 

Editor: Zhao Hanqing
