Seminar on Innovation in Translation Technology Education in the Context of New Liberal Arts Successfully Held at HAUT
Hosted by Henan University of Technology (HAUT), the Seminar on Innovation in Translation Technology Education in the Context of New Liberal Arts and the 6th Collaborative Innovation Seminar of the Translation Technology Alliance of Henan Universities was held at the HAUT on April 27. The issues related to the seminar are as follows: cultivation of translation talents, construction of translation discipline and specialty, translation technology and research in the era of artificial intelligence, interpreting technology in the era of artificial intelligence, application of translation technology software and corpus study, etc.
Seminar on Innovation in Translation Technology Education in the Context of New Liberal Arts successfully held at HAUT. [Photo provided to]
Cao Jian, vice president of Henan University of Technology, pointed out that it was a useful attempt in the construction of translation discipline in the context of new liberal arts at the HAUT, aiming to promote innovation in translation study and practice as well as in translation talents cultivation, and to boost co-construction and sharing of translation technology resources, to finally stimulate the vitality of the translation academic community.
At the seminar, 8 keynote speakers delivered excellent academic presentations and discussed the ways to innovate translation technology study and talents cultivation, covering new ideas and principles for translation talents cultivation, quantitative analysis of the relationship between foreignization/explicitation and domestication/implicitation, translation technology and study in the era of artificial intelligence, multi-modal interpretation study from the technology-driven perspective in the era of artificial intelligence, academic thesis writing and project application for translation studies, development, application and study of interpretation technology in the era of artificial intelligence, function comparison and application of SDL Trados Studio and memoQ, development of a multilingual corpus for grain and Chinese martial arts, etc.
研讨会上,8位主旨发言人围绕会议主题做精彩学术报告,探讨了新文科背景下翻译技术研究与人才培养模式创新,发言覆盖翻译人才培养的创新理念与原则、异化/显化与归化/隐化对应关系的量化考察、人工智能时代翻译技术与研究发展、智能时代技术驱动视域下的多模态口译研究、翻译学研究学术论文写作与项目申报、AI时代口译技术的发展、应用与研究、SDL Trados Studio 与 memoQ 的功能比较与应用、粮食/武术专门用途多语语料库研制等。
More than 120 thousand audience participated in the seminar online and offline, hitting a record high in terms of the number of participants at the seminars on translation technology, presenting the popularity and far-reaching influence of the study on innovation in translation technology education in the context of new liberal arts in China.
据了解,此次会议线上线下参与人数达12000余人,首创历届翻译技术研讨会参与人数新高,凸显了新文科背景下翻译技术教育创新研究主题的社会关注度,影响意义深远。(中文来源/河南工业大学 翻译/赵汉青 审校/焦丹)